Bucket List Check Off

Bucket List Check Off

Okay, so normally I wouldn’t post something that wasn’t specifically about Autism or Autistic Challenges or Life with Autism…


I’m so excited! That’s been on my bucket list for forever. I’m so happy.

They were ethereal and calming and stunning and beautiful. I WILL DEFINITELY be going to Alaska to see them better. I was on the fence about it but now I know for sure…

I am just in a state of wonder and awe right now.

(P.S. The picture is just from Google, not the actual ones I saw)

2 Responses to “Bucket List Check Off”

  1. I’ve seen them in northern Michigan, near the Mackinaw bridge. Gorgeous. Of course, Alaska has other things to recommend it. I am curious about the other items on your bucket list. After all, you probably have many ordinary dreams and aspirations. It’s sort of the human condition.

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